ATL Brew Fest 2023 – beer with 106 heat index

It was 97 degrees in the shade in Atlanta on this particular Saturday, but the festival must go on. Live! at The Battery Atlanta and Terrapin Taproom held their annual beer festival right right at the gates to the Atlanta Braves stadium.
One thing is certain, it doesn’t matter if the heat index is 106 degrees, it’s still summer and there is drinking to do. The VIP section was inside, complete with food and free tie-dyed t-shirts, so those VIP ticket holders really won the day on that purchase.
Besides the heat, a few standouts on the day was Stillfire Brewing’s Blood Orange Diva, a wheat beer and Atlanta Hawks DJ, Chika Takai that threw down dance party all the way to the end – where incidentally it started to rain at the final seconds of her set.
Plus it’s not many beer festivals where you can leave the festival and walk into a bar 100 feet away. That’s The Battery Atlanta for you.
Maybe next year’s fest will be a little cooler.
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