Why is there so few import beer, craft beer, and IPA in German shops? (BW)
<!– SC_OFF –><div class=”md”><p>Hi,</p>
<p>I come from France, and we obviously have much less good beer brands than Germany, but I feel like we have much more choice in supermarkets than here (Freiburg, BW).</p>
<p>Especially in terms of imports (ex: Belgium), craft (small breweries), and IPAs (Brewdog, Lagunitas,…)</p>
<p>When I go in shops all I see are German brands like Paulaner, or some lame import beer like Corona or Desperados.</p>
<p>Is it just because you don’t like them? Or are there other reasons, like pfand, or bureaucratie for small breweries?</p>
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