Creature Comforts River Ridge Red re-emerges from barrels this month

Creature Comforts River Ridge Red returns in late July.
When you combine Virginia’s River Ridge Organics raspberries, Creature Comfort’s oak barrels and talent, and you have a wild ale made for summer.
Creature chose some of their best barrels to blend onto the fresh raspberries, punching down the fruit into the barrels for a full two weeks. After that, the raspberries soaked in the ale for another six months in oak, until the brewery achieved a balanced acid profile.
“We believe River Ridge Organics grows some of the finest berries you will find in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and that inspired us to create a beer in celebration of their beautiful crop.” – Wood Cellar and Mixed Fermentation Director Blake Tyers. “
Creature Comforts River Ridge Red first debuted in 2019. It will be available in 500-milliliter bottles at the brewery when it opens on July 23rd.
Style: American Wild Ale (w/ Raspberries. Oak Aged.)
Availability: 500ml Bottles
Debut: 6/15/19
Latest Return: 7/23/21
6.6% ABV
Image: Creature Comforts
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