Things we didn’t need. Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew

Earlier this month PepsiCo announced they would be releasing an alcoholic version of Mountain Dew next year – Hard Mtn Dew, with the help of Boston Beer Co. Let’s just say the reactions we saw were… mixed.
If you’ve ever been worried someone is out to kill you, maybe you’re right. It’s PepsiCo. While you wait for alcoholic Mountain Dew, on August 31st you can order Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew. Yes, like Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
If we are imagining this right, you’re taking a soda that looks like a blend of antifreeze and Lemon-Lime Gatorade, and combining it with red hot Cheeto-like flavor. It could only result in something blood red. Like you colon will be after consumption.
According to a press release, the flavor is touted as “the sweet, citrus DEW with a new spicy goodness.” (Followed by a E.R. visit.)
If this isn’t enough, Moutain Dew has partnered with clothing brand Broken Promises, creating an “Flamin Hot” apparel line for the occasion, which includes sweatpants. OBVIOUSLY.
Flamin’ Hot Mtn Dew is non-alcoholic, and only available on August 31 at Mountain Dew’s virtual Dew Store.
Still. We’d try it.
The post Things we didn’t need. Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew appeared first on Beer Street Journal.