Beer and Mead: 6 Homebrew Braggot Recipes
If you like beer and mead, you’re going to love braggot. This hybrid beverage combines the qualities of beer and mead to make an incredible experience for your palate.
Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) style description: A harmonious blend of mead and beer, with the distinctive characteristics of both. A wide range of results are possible, depending on the base style of beer, variety of honey and overall sweetness and strength. Beer flavors tend to somewhat mask typical honey flavors found in other meads.
For more beer, mead, and cider recipes, visit our Homebrew Recipe Library.
Stone Ship Braggot

Mead Mamas BDS

Little Red Bird Braggot

Valhalla Honey Beer

T’alla Braggot

An English Braggot

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